Tag Archives: white paper

Out of office…

So it is with a sigh oh relief, and great joy that I left the office today for a well deserved Christmas break. What a term. What a year, and it’s not out yet.

The largest single piece of work I have ever produced is behind me. University is behind me. I’ve been capped, gowned and shoved out into the real world in these past fleeting 12 months and find myself in gainful employment in one of the most exciting creative environments I have ever set foot in- which is quite a statement for an office job but I think it’s appropriate.

Being thrown in at the deep end of things has developed two quite polar feelings within me- 1. Fear and 2. Confidence. It’s amazing how the prior really does help hone and shape the latter. I never invisioned myself at OPR, or doing what I do now, but now 2 months in I can’t imagine doing anything else. Let’s just hope the enthusiasm with which I write now is not cut short by the lethargy and slobbery of this Christmas period.

I am still questioning dailey whether this is me following the calling God has put on my life, or merely by own doing. But I know he has good plans for me, to prosper me and build me up. Right now i’m being built, and I am building. If this sphere of influence can be harnessed for the kingdom then why not we it? After all Christianity is in as much need of some decent PR as Nike, unilever, ford and alike, if not more so.

So my Christmas musing will be a little different than years past. For the first time I’m excited about my academic writing, yet no one is hounding me for it as I embarking of writing my first white paper, a conceptual piece which will feature here at some stage no doubt. Whoever would have guessed I would be writing such things of fun? Mr Hendy will be proud… Look him up his book on Radio 4 is very good…